Showing posts with label Web Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Marketing. Show all posts

16 Problems Search Engines indexing your site

. Monday, 24 March 2008

Your website looks properly optimized, but nothing happens really significant. Here are some of the reasons why your site may encounter obstacles during its indexing in the various research tools.

The time indexing

If your site is not indexed yet (it is very young), we must consider the time indexing by search engines. The period of time until the engines do your site is generally indicated on the pages of submission of each of them. But sometimes that period is not accurate or not up to date. On average, the index of time fear of a move to eight weeks depending on the engine. Some engines like Altavista or Inktomi offer formulas pay if you want to be indexed faster.

Already indexed

Search engines are not going to warn you of your indexing, it is up to you to find out. The method to find out if a particular page or domain name has been taken into account varies from one engine to another. Do not say that you have not been indexed just because you wanted a keyword you and that you are not located in the first few pages of results. You could very well be indexed but that your site appears far from the results.

Links from the HomePage

Some engines are known not to index the pages that are not accessible from the home page. A rumor on this subject ran for HotBot. Think about your internal links as a set of paths from a page in others. If there is no access from your home page to the page you want to index, a search engine may decide that this page was unnecessary.


Some search engines like Google and HotBot are known to refuse to index sites that do not link to other sites. Or, they can index your your home page, but refuse to index the other pages unless you offered links to other sites. Or, they will indexing for a while, but then you come out of their databases if you have not set up links to external after a certain period of time.

The frames (frames)

The content within HTML frames can be a problem because a search engine can index content in the main frame, but not the frames constituting page full frame as the menu for example. Visitors will be able to find your information, but will be unable to access your menu. It is more preferable that create web sites without frames.

Obstacles to robots

Search engines can not index the sites that require registration or a password, and they can not fill out the forms. This also applies to the indexing of the contents of a searchable database. The solution is to create static pages that the engines can find and index without action on your site. Depending on your database system, there are utility programs and / or companies that can help you resolve this problem.

The free sites

Because of all the "junk submissions" free websites like Geocities, many drivers have chosen not to index sites of these areas or limiting the number of pages they accept.

Guilty by association

If your website shares the same IP address as other sites on your server, you may find that your IP is prohibited because of what someone else has done. Ask your hosting service if your domain name has its own unique IP assigned to it. Otherwise, ask them to do so to avoid being penalized because of someone else.

Dynamic pages

Dynamic pages with URLs that contain special characters like "?" Or "&" are ignored by a number of search engines. The pages generated on the fly from a database very often contain such characters. In this case, it is important to generate static versions of each page you want to be indexed or proceed with the rewrite. The scripts and codes fanciful can also be an impediment to your indexing. When it comes to search engines, go to the easiest.

The pages too long

If your site has a load too slow or that the pages are really complicated and take too long to load, there comes a time when robots will stop indexing them. To prevent this, limit your pages to a maximum of 50K. A good rule is: weight of the cumulative weight + page images on the 50-page = 70K. If the weight exceeds the maximum given the visitors with slow connections will leave before the page is completely loaded.

The unreliability of accommodation

It is extremely important to have a reliable shelter. If your site is not responding when a robot tries to access it, it will not be indexed. Worse, if you are already indexed and a robot tries to connect when your site is down, the latter may be désindexé (where frequent repetition).

The sp @ m

If you are using questionable techniques that could be considered as sp @ m, as the excessive repetition of keywords, text the same color as the background ..., a search engine may ignore or reject your submission.

The redirections

The redirects and meta tags refresh can sometimes cause problems for search engines that attempt to index your site. If the search engines "think" you are trying to cheat using the cloaking technology or redirect IP, they do not at all indexing.

Submissions in the categories best

When you submit your site to directories such as Yahoo, Open Directory, LookSmart and others, a person will analyze your site. It will decide whether your site is of sufficient quality to be indexed. These directories can help you to be indexed in other search engines. Make sure to give your submissions at directory all the attention they need.

Limiting pages

Search engines do not have all the pages on your site. It could be a dozen pages as three or four hundred depending on the engine. Google is one of the engines that runs deeper websites. The depth depends on the popularity of links. Sites with a strong popularity of links are considered to be "worthy" of further exploration.


Sometimes, the drivers simply lost bids sites due to bugs or technical errors. Do not forget that mistakes can occur, since these engines run databases containing hundreds of millions of pages.

source : Articles from Jennifer Horowitz


Protect Your Brand And Your Customers

. Sunday, 23 March 2008

The misuse of brand names is one of the scourges of the Web and Internet have the ability to tarnish your image of the brand and you for a number of clients, in good faith, thought they had a legitimate businesses. The understanding and protection against the growing threat is a solution.

With the Internet age, the challenges are greater than ever, and the online are now an opinion of the companies on their websites. But a beautiful site, functional, effective and reassuring presence on the Internet is no longer sufficient. Companies need to protect themselves, in order not to risk losing control of their brand to the criminal activities.

Due to the protection of your brand, you protect your customers. Because the online crimes can have serious consequences. The potential customers in search of a brand redirected a competitor, or, worse still, a website for unlawful. And this loss of control line can tarnish the value of a brand.

Phishing (phishing)

For those who find the term phishing is the definition of Wikipedia:
"Phishing", which in English phishing, is used by the fraudster to provide personal information with the aim of the commission of an identity theft. The technique is to believe that the victim to a trusted third party - banking, administration, etc.. -- In order him to personal information: password, credit card number, date of birth, etc.. It is a form of attack on the social engineering. That can phishing e-mails, fake websites or other electronic means. "

Phishing is a threat particularly efficient and can absorb the integrity of the brand. Well, that such attacks are not directly targeting your company or its online resources, a crime through connection is often sufficient for the company at risk. In fact, if the consumer was the victim of a fraud by a phishing scam, the name of your brand, it has the right to ask you. It is therefore important to protect your brand name.

The other procedures,

Unfortunately, phishing is a criminal method among others. Companies need to be aware (and are prepared to deal with this), that there are many other opportunities for diversion of online brand. From the typosquatting cybersquatting, on the domaining, all these forms of computer crime, can seriously impact on the image of the company, and are difficult to ensure without situation constantly.

"Cybersquatting, English cybersquatting, the practice is the saving of names or trademarks on the Internet, then return them to sell or to use the right mouse button or impair his vision." (Wikipedia)

"The typosquatting, is a form of cybersquatting essentially the typos of users of the Web: More specifically involves all areas to buy their spelling is in the vicinity of the known, an area that users who have an unwanted Fehlbuchstabierung , pointed to the website of the typosquatteur. "(Wikipedia)

"The domaining is an activity, the speculation about the domain name. Unlike cybersquatters, domainers search, which only rarely to abuse awareness of the brands in their favour. Domain names, which they primarily affect the generic domain names are words everyday language. "(Wikipedia)
The corporatesquatting

Another form, and that I deeply despised, is the corporatesquatting, almost always more common. Wikipedia is a lot more to learn that I did not do:

"This is the practice corporatesquatting massively large companies to store names and trademarks on the Internet, to acquire the exclusive use, even though they are already in use and are used by individuals or small businesses.
It is then forced to the rights holders to leave, in the use of the various methods of pressure, the allocation aggressively in the courts (which are often not entitled to have the means to finance). The goal is to make the exclusive use of the name or brand. The Law on Trademarks, namely the protection of trademarks, with "above" which aims to use a name, without the right to have. The first, which is a mark on the Internet provides the owner of the road leading into the space (ie the site), if there is room reserved, but who has the real property to the name has, in any event in the eyes of the judiciary, real name of the property.
In cases where there are no reserved space, the applicant must prove that he has purchased the same name made with the intent to harm the owner of the mark. If this is not the case, argued the complainant in the rule if he wants his complaint that the non-use of the trademark would affect. You can also return some complications, in the big companies know that manipulate their legal claims to the property a name.

Some solutions to your brand and your customers

Because the risk of damage caused by spoofing brand is so important that companies have a strategy to protect their online presence and their customers. Here are some milestones.
Eclairez your customers

Include definitions or a FAQ about the abuse of the brand accessible from the home page of your site. Be explicit stand, or if you are not with your customers via e-mail, and how can they better between the legal nature of an e-mail fraud.

If your company has much to do to put yourself of experts to protect the brand. Third team with specialists in this field is not profitable, that against the risk of abuse.
DRP (disaster recovery plan)

Every company should have a plan to implement the measures in the event of damage, as it is, the misuse of the mark, an accident. This emergency plan can efficiently manage the damage case in order of priority and resources.
A plan for unintentional violations

All attacks against the mark was not intentional. Sometimes, partners or distributors, known for your services can accidentally tear up the brand or the terms. "Work with your experts in the protection of the trademark to monitor the behaviour and replying to a consistent and professional.
A team of urgency

A team from among the members of your staff, operational, as soon as the brand impaired. They also make the employees of call centers, to better cope with the threats associated with the misuse of the mark.

In Conclusion

While the economy, the Internet opens up significant opportunities for the companies that have not before 10 or 20 years, it also opens up new ways of danger for the brands. Protect its trademark in 2008, is no longer a luxury, it is an economic necessity, especially when the brand has been established for over half a century, since his name is deeply anchored in the minds of consumers, as well as in the the Cyber criminals.


Tips Web Marketing : Email Marketing

Email Marketing: 15 Tips to Write your Titles
By Lauren McDonald

50 characters, that's all that separates you from the success of your next campaign emailing. 50 characters, the whole place you have to write the title of your subject that will capture your reader's attention and encourage them to open email. How can something so insignificant can do (or not do) the success of an email? Because many recipients use the line "Object" emails to decide to accept or delete them. And this line "Object" (hence the title of your email) is a real headache. A good title could easily lead to the opening of the email, while, for example, a misspelled could send your mail directly into the trash. Because too many parameters depend on your way, here are 15 rules to find the best. Asssurez you all to review before starting your next campaign emailing.

1 - Read the newspaper

If you want to write a good title, fouinez in your favorite local newspaper. The Big Titles are generally based on the fact of the most important topic in a minimum of space. Your headline, in turn, must clearly indicate what your readers can expect by opening the email, what it contains, and the action you have requested in return. Often, there is not enough space to write it. Take a look at the headlines and see how this can be put into place with the content of the article.

2 - No-made formula

What works for a campaign emailing may not work for the next. A promotional offer should be titled differently than an ad product. Even if you send e-mails to promote similar campaigns, you do not have to re-title your last campaign. How to find what works best? Go to Rule No. 3.

3 - Test, test, test

Test permanently to determine trends and patterns that seem to work. Pre-test if you can. Add an extra day in the planning campaign creation to allow sufficient time to try several ways. Rule 12 will teach you more about the tests.

4 - The line "Dispatcher"

The line "from" information on the recipient who sent the email, and the line "Object" (the title) proposes to open it. If your line "from" information your company name, you do not have to repeat it in the title, so you free up space in the latter. But you must reflect the name of your newsletter in your title, so that your email does not straight to the trash. Recent studies have shown that most readers watched in the first place line "from" before deciding to keep or discard the email.

5 - List the key information at the beginning

Some messaging software allows characters more than others, but mostly allows at least 50, including spaces. So, it is necessary to place your most important information in the first 50 characters. Also be sure that the cut does not take place on crucial information, as a price or a date.

6 - The rate of opening can not measure the success of a title

Observe the topics associated with a high number of conversions, such as subscriptions to your newsletter, clicks in bringing your emails on your site, sales or downloads. If you look at your analysis tool, you will see some anomalies, such as an email with an opening rates relatively low, but high rates of conversion. It expresses something in your captured a particular segment of your readers and thus can show you the path to a more lucrative segment. Remember, your final goal is not a high level of openness, but bring your subscribers to perform a specific action. Focus yourself on this ultimate goal.

7 - Customize your title

Customize your titles based on the preferences of products or content of your subscribers, depending on their area of interest, their previous purchases, their visits or links clicked. But be careful with the personalization on previous purchases because buying precedent has been a gift for someone else and can not be included in the individual interests of your readers. Always make sure to make access to data on your subscribers easily accessible to edit their preferences.

8 - The urgency led to the action

Impose a deadline: "buy before midnight tonight!", "Last day to be delivered before Christmas !"... Use the emergency also serving as your schedule emailing. For example, on Monday: "More than 5 days ...", and Thursday:" More than 24 hours ...)

9 - Filters anti-sp @ m

You have to be careful about the words that sound like the sp @ m, your sentences or construction. Two tips can counter anti-sp @ m: a title all in capital letters and the over-use of exclamation points. But these tricks are not professional. They are only an indication.

10 - "Free" is not bad

Yes, you can use the word "free" in your title. Do not simply the term in the 2-4 first words to be sure, especially in the first. However, you can use 2 by tips cited in 9. For example: "A ebook web marketing FREE! More than 2 days." Most people continue to react to the word "free", and therefore an increase in calls to action will always be greater than the lost emails after filtering anti-sp @ m.

11 - Encourage without deceiving

Do not exaggerate the truth in your title or does not promise more than can deliver the mail if you must deal with claims that your readers will be more difficult to meet for future tenders. Your readers mefieront you (and could tick as sp @ m) if your title does not reflect the contents of the email.

12 - Write and test early enough and often

Write the title is often the last thing and the hardest thing to do in developing a campaign emailing. That should be the opposite. By the time you plan to set up your campaign emailing, start thinking about what you are going to put it in the title of the email. This will help you to refine the theme of your campaign and may even change it. You should always test your tracks on a segment of your mailing list, but if you are pressed for time, test them with an informal group of people as your marketing team, some employees of your company, your knowledge, parents ... To obtain an overview of their impact.

13 - Review the performance of your previous emails

Observe what titles have led to the action you wish: the most conversions, the highest rate of sales, the highest CTR ... Look at the reports of your analytical tool to see an article about what prompted the most clicks, which file was the most downloaded, which services your company generate more traffic ... This analysis should determine your strategies selections of products, define the content of your emails, but can also show you what information is most relevant or useful.

14 - Continue Dialogue

If you send emails more frequently than a month or week, it helps you to create a dialogue with your readers. Your reports tracking should show you what their favorite buttons, what kinds of topics lead to open and click on a more intense ... Highlight these keywords or themes adequately in your title, in the first or second position to capture the attention of the reader. In addition, if the frequency of transmission you can continue the dialogue that you have previously created. For instance: "Google accepts cencure China" and "Google testifies before Congress."

15 - The test of "open should / must read"

The days when people were giving everything they receive in their email is over. Today, you have to intrigue, to appeal to their desire for information, and to be a keeper of knowledge. Back to Rule 14. If you set up a conversation with your readers, a reference to it in your title intriguera and encourage them to open your email to read more. Make a simple test about you and the members of your team: Is it that the title has spent the 2 tests?
1 - test of the "must-read"
If a subscriber does not open the email, he will think that it is no longer in the coup and that it may have missed a tender that regrettra not having been able to take advantage
2 - The test of the trash.
Simply, if for whatever reason, your email landed in the trash, do the labels combination of the sender and the title inspire confidence and intrigue as much as one might expect?

In conclusion

Indeed, this may seem complicated to say everything in 50 characters (including spaces!). But these 50 characters can have a huge impact on the success of a campaign emailing. These 15 rules will help you get closer to that success.