Travel Tips : Introduction To Dive

. Sunday 23 March 2008
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To all the people a little scared of the water

Before that one, I just start from the beginning:

To stop using the same old excuses such as "I am afraid of the water," "Water is too cold!" And: "I can not water behind my ears!" It is a small piece to help you overcome your water phobias and learn appreciate this environment. Thus, one might say, for all "It's great! I really did not want to leave!"

Observation of the seabed by the use of a diving mask

For example with a magnificent seabed caraux

Immersion in water and when it stopped in your size (as a general rule, the water depth increases slowly, but in any event, be careful ..). Then, the control in the glass mask, and take it. Breathe through your nose slightly shek that the mask is watertight.The air need not come in and the mask is to face. If all goes well, and you are ready to begin, you can use your breath, dive the design of the front and mask in the water. Only the mask. If you are lucky (and in Polynesia, it's not too hard!), Or if you are near a reef, you can see a few fish (they are not wild, and if you have bread, then they come to eat at the main). Uhu, yes ... And do not forget to restart breathing! If you are not completely frightened do it again. And you will see that you have more fun in the water as much time as you like in the head inside, it is time to recognize the importance of the tuba. It allows you to breathe under water, "and so see a lot more fish.

As you have seen, that you do not have the head under water again, we should not complain….!